Monday, July 26, 2010



001. Worst weekend ever, don't even really want to talk about it. And it's a long story anyway, you'd get bored. Lets just say I'm officially and 100% sick of my town because of this and now I've been really paranoid.

002. R.I.P Craig, a close friend of mine - he died from a car crash. :'( You will be missed!

003. I saw two black cats Saturday night and had two major bad things happen to me - I'm extremely superstitious now. :/

004. Since I'm nearly up to 100 followers (yay!), can you all please comment below giving me inspiration/requests/ideas for both a blog post and a youtube video. (: Would mean a lot!

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. blog - outfit and face of the day post.
    youtube - winter fashion (one of those quick videos with the catchy music in them, I like those)

