001. Mkay, first of all the weekly 'sunday portrait' posts are something which I found really interesting. I give all credit to Lily for the idea - it'll get me to stop being so lazy for updating.
002. I also really like her signature at the bottom of her posts. I used to have one which you can probably find in my older posts but alas, I got lazy. I might make another one in the near future.
003. As you probably all know, I've come back from my little holiday/pageant. I didn't take the cake, but I did manage to snatch up a trophy for 'Runner Up' and 'Best in Interview'.
004. I have taken sooo many photos and videos within the past week so excuse me if it takes a little while to get them all up on blogger and youtube.
Talk to you soon!
Congrats on getting a trophy! You look totally gorgeous in that photo; your lashes look amazing. :)
Thankyou. :D